How To Fix A Leaking Check Valve

01 Sep,2024

Coming across a check valve leaking is a pretty concerning situation. These valves are made to allow fluid flow in one direction. While normally made to withstand higher pressure situations, sometimes valves may malfunction. And this may be seen in the form of backflow or leaks, both of which can be detrimental.

Looking for whether a check valve is leaking is important. In this article, we’ll tell you preventative measures, inspection tips and whether you’ll need to deal with check valve replacement costs.

Preventing Check Valve Leaking

  • Picking the right check valve: Make sure that your check valve is compatible with your situation. If dealing with higher pressure, stick to stronger outer structural bodies.
  • Usual Inspection: Routine inspections can help spot potential leaks/problems before they need check valve replacement.
  • Apt Installation: Improper attachment causes leaks. Installing valves properly ensures that fluid flow is not disrupted as the valves and pipes are aligned perfectly.
  • Avoid Higher Than Stated Pressure Situations: Different check valves are made of different material. Each material has a pressure limit. Avoid exceeding these pressure limits as they can cause cavity formations.
  • Valve Cleaning: Valves may clog up due to debris flowing through the fluid. Routine inspection and cleaning can help prevent backflow or leaks.

Inspecting A Leak Valve

The signs of a bad check valve start as small problems. Here are some tips to follow to see if a valve is leaking:

  • Before starting your inspection, always put on protective equipment AKA PPE. Always remember to depressurize the entire pipe system. This will close the valves momentarily.
  • Perform a structural body inspection. You will want to look for any signs of leaks such as puddles, rusting or improperly installed valves.
  • You can use a dry fabric and pat around the valves. If it dampens up, that’s a signal for check valve leaking.
  • You can also look for sound. Check valves are known to be silent. If the valves make hissing sounds during fluid flow, this also indicates a potential leak.
  • You can also make use of a soap solution valve leak test. Pass the soapy fluid through the pipes. With a leakage, you can see bubbles on the outer body of the valve.

Fixing A Leak Valve

Choosing to fix a leak valve entirely depends on your situation. Ultimately, going for check valve replacement or reaching out to a valve technician means spending more money. But this can solve your leak valve without any doubts. If technician repair is too costly, here are ways to fix a check valve leaking on your own:

  • First step is to always put on protective equipment (PPE) to prevent any injuries or harmful exposure.
  • Detach the valve so you can see its internal components.
  • Conduct an inspection. Look for any cracks, breaks or rusting. These are the most common causes of leaks.
  • If dealing with small scale repair such as replacing any small internal component, look for compatible replacements. Here, it is always better to ask for a second opinion so you are sure about your check valve replacement.
  • Since the valve is already detached, take your time to clean it.
  • Reattach any removed internal pieces and install the valve to the pipes.
  • Test out the valve by allowing lower volumes of liquid to pass through. You can also rerun the soap solution valve leak test.


  • How To Tell If Valve Seals Are Leaking?

    To check if a valve is leaking you can tell by sight, sound or touch. If you notice puddles around valves or hissing sounds during fluid flow, that may indicate potential leaks. Similarly, you can take a dry cloth and wipe around the valve to see if it gets wet.

  • How To Tell If A Check Valve Is Bad?

    A check valve comes in many different forms and is made of many different materials. Each kind of check valve has its own limitations. Ensure that your check valve is compatible with your operational needs.

  • How To Prevent Check Valve Leaking?

    You can prevent check valve leaking by usual inspections, routine cleaning and making sure that you’ve selected the right check valve. Additionally, you should also make sure to not exceed pressure limitations and if it’s properly installed.

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Tags: valves