Quality control

Optimize performance with intelligent monitoring and control, bring best valves to our users.

Process Detection

Strictly control the production process testing to ensure the safety and reliability of the project system.

Material Detection

Accurate control, to ensure the quality of products without defects

Technology Innovation

Optimizing and solving the corresponding problems for industries

PANS, your trusted provider of international-standard valves.

Process Detection

Through strict quality control, we can guarantee to provide uncompromising high-quality products.

PANS competitive advantage is the completer testing facilities which we have continued to invest in for years. These facilities are really important in the stress tests of the finished components/products and those in the design phase.

Technology Innovation

We apply advanced computer simulation analysis technology to analyze the parameters (like stress, temperature and flow field) and their distribution, to evaluate the service performance of valves under work conditions, to optimize and solve the possible problems in the application of valves. With these efforts, we guarantee the performance of products from the source and transfer the maximum value to clients.

Material Workshop
Processing Workshop
CNC Magnetic Material Workshop
Cleaning Workshop