Swing Check Valve VS Spring Check Valve

01 Sep,2024

Valves are versatile tools that are imperative for industrial operations, usually controlling fluid flow. These tools such as the spring loaded check valve and swing check valve regulate fluid pressure and prevent backflow within pipes. 

Both the spring loaded check valve and swing check valve allow for fluid flow in one direction but differ when it comes to their structural makeup and properties. As their names suggest, the spring loaded check valve utilizes springs to open/close whereas the swing check valve uses a swinging component. Continue on to find out about more differences between the two.

Understanding Swing Check Valve

Functionality Of A Swing Check Valve

A swing check opens/closes using a hinge that is attached to a disc. This disc allows/blocks fluid flow. When fluid pressure is increased, it causes the hinge to move which in turn ‘swings’ the disc, opening it. When fluid flow decreases, the pressure on the hinge also decreases causing the disc to close. Similarly, if fluid flow is reversed, the fluid pushes against the disc, closing it.

As said earlier, a swing check valve allows one directional movement. The direction is often shown on the outer structural body, so it is easy to label the inlet and outlet. These valves are versions of the butterfly valve which are suitable for horizontal or vertical use. These valves however, cannot be used to control downward flow.

Advantages Of Using Swing Check Valve

  • Withstanding Higher Pressure Situations: Usually made of carbon steel, alloy steel, Nickel-Aluminium bronze etc. These are apt for high pressure fluid flow.
  • Functionality Depends On Cracking Pressure: The valve opens/closes with the slightest difference in pressures. A very small increase in pressure swings the disc open, allowing fluid flow. The slightest pressure drop/reversal closes the disc, preventing backflow.
  • Low Maintenance: Simple structural makeup with interior compartments accessible by removing a few screws.

More About Spring Loaded Check Valve

Working of A Spring Loaded Check Valve

A spring loaded check valve operates on the basis of differential pressure. Like the swing check valve, its outer structural body depicts an arrow showing the inlet and outlet which allows for easy setup. These valves utilize springs to open/close the valve. Unlike the swing check valve, these can also be used to control downward fluid flow.

To open the spring loaded water valve, the pressure at the inlet must be greater than the pressure at the outlet. This opens the valve allowing fluid flow. Once pressure on the inlet decreases or if pressure on the outlet increases, it’ll close the valve. These are found as one way valves.

Advantages Of Spring Loaded Water Valve

  • Reduce Noise: Diminish loud water hammer noises. Therefore, also known as silent check valves.
  • Functionality Is Only Affected By Fluid Flow: Other factors like gravity do not affect opening/closing.
  • Prevents Backflow: Immediate closing of the valve due to pressure changes prevents backflow.

Swing Check Valve VS Spring Check Valve Uses

Swing Check Valves manufacturers find their products being used in:

  • Movement Of Natural Gas
  • House Water Lines/Pipes
  • Wastewater Industry

Spring Loaded Check Valve is found in:

  • Power Plants
  • Cooling Towers
  • Sprinklers

Summarizing The Differences Between Swing Check Valve And Spring Check Valve

DifferenceSwing Check ValveSpring-Loaded Check Valve
Operating PrincipleUses a disc connected to a hinge that opens or closes based on fluid pressure.Uses a spring to open or close based on pressure differential.
Flow Direction ControlSuitable for horizontal or vertical flow, not ideal for downward flow.Suitable for both horizontal and downward flow.
Gravity ImpactOperation may be affected by gravity, especially in vertical installations.Not affected by gravity, relies entirely on pressure differences.
Noise LevelCan be noisy when closing, especially due to water hammer effects.Reduces noise, often called “silent check valves.”
Typical ApplicationsNatural gas pipelines, household water lines, wastewater industry.Power plants, cooling towers, sprinkler systems.


  • What Is The Swing Check Valve Definition?

    A swing check valve uses a flapper/disc which connects to a hinge to open/close. Once fluid pressure increases at the inlet, it pushes the hinge to move and open the valve. Lowering inlet pressure closes the valve. Backflow is easily prevented as fluid pushes the disc to close.

  • How Are The Swing Check Valve And Spring Loaded Check Valve Differentiable?

    A spring loaded check valve utilizes a spring to open/close. A swing loaded check valve opens/closes depending on fluid flow. Unlike the swing check valve, a spring check valve can reduce noise levels, water hammer effects and can also be used to control downward fluid flow.

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